Masshole Moto goes to the
88th annual Laconia Bike Weak 2011
And does the the Lobster Pound-Bike Build Off...
-What can I say, that
was on HELL of a week! Rain every day,heat,cold,the Weirs
traffic,cops,mosquitoes,Drunks,skunks,and more BS than a farmer can
sling,or so you think.
Day one started out with a bang,well not
really more like a slow,half a sleep crawl.See I was supposed to leave
Thursday afternoon about 4 so I could get there in time to set up camp
before dark,
Brother Gike helpin out with the packing when the storm rolled in. |
Well that didn't happen.Long story short I got stuck
loading another truck till about 9:30 that night,no big deal
considering a near hurricane of a storm rolled in that lasted till 11pm
here and in N.H..So anyway I was on the road at 3:30 am Friday morning
because I was told we needed to be there early that morning.After a
little over 2 hours I got to the campground,Rocky Road Campground.By
about 6:30am I was set up and sitting in a lawn chair waiting for Rocky
to wake up so I could go check in.Thing is Rocko don't get up before
10,so I headed down to the Weirs to unload the tools at the Pound and
get it over with.
was waiting on Paul to bring the second load of tools so I went to the
L.B. restaurant to get some grub.He got there about 5pm and after I ate
we got it in fairly quickly.Headed back to camp and got prepared for the
week,or so I thought...
Saturday we headed down to the tent for the first day of actual
building.The rain started about noonish but we were building in a tent
so it wasn't a big deal.The set up sucked balls since we only got 110v
for juice to run a hole shop of tools.If you tried to grind when someone
else was welding pop went the breaker.Then there was the wind,even with
the screens closed the welding was a bit iffy with the storm gusts.As
the week went on it was up and down,good day,bad day.Got some thing done
then made no progress...
Paul had to split back to MA. on Sunday night so after he left I headed
back to camp alone,strapped an 18 rack on the back of the bike and
headed back to camp to huddled up under my canopy in the dark to stay
Monday Goma showed up but it was later on and I wanted to get to the
build tent to make friends with the crowd,and work some votes.He showed
up around 3:30 and we got ready for our 4 pm shift by havin a few beers.
This is how the week went on one guy show up another then leave by
Wednesday more and more got there and camp was filling up.By Friday we
had 12 or more at camp with 2 camper trailers and a shit load of
Weed,Brother Gike and me.Sorry,no group shots.

I'll get skip ahead to the good stuff,the end.With 5 on deck on
Saturday we cranked out the last little bits of the bike,with me on the
bullhorn mostly working the crowd...Plus,I'm not one to fight over tools
or a place to use them.With 15 min to spare the bike was checked for
spark and everything looked good,.Shit,John had to build his own
Rectifier from radio shack parts last minute.We got some gas and one by
one the builders started them up.20 kicks in she wouldn't pop to
life.There was worry on all faces but I kicked her like a mule.About the
40th kick we realized that when the tank was leak checked water was
used and the petcock had been opened letting it run into the
I kept kicking untill I was just about to drop and then,bbbrr.I kicked again ,bbbrrrrrrr.
one more kick and she popped.The crowd in front of us went nuts!!!!I
revved that thing till nearly blowin the motor,till we couldn't here the
she ran,that was step one.Step two was to get here down the dirt hill
to the main tent and through the crowd with only a jockey rear brake.We
rolled here out and a small crowd followed.
And this is my petcock... |
So we rolled into the big tent,the place goes
nuts.All the bikes line up in front and we all get up on stage.It's so
load I can barley hear the guy announcing. They call us out one by
one,say a little something about us and start the judgeing.Well,we
didn't get last place but we didn't come in first.4 out of 5 ain't bad
for a bunch of knuckleheads with a zero budget and 2 month notice!
-Congrats to
Deadwood choppers for there win.
Here are some pics and vids from Sat.More pics to come day to day...
Brother Mikey |
Matt,Soaking wet Barry and Paul |
Smitty and Big Red our friends from the camp at Rocky Road |
Looks like Josh in the edge there,Paul,Can,Jenn and Matt
Gasin up
It's alive!
the Main stage for the judging |
And here we go... |
She is the shit,thank you dear for everything. |
XO Sweetheart,thank you for helpin out. |
H-B Dirty |
John cast that tail light 2 days earlier... |
Paul's front end |
Jockey rear brake any one?!?!?! |
Perfect time for a monsoon!! |
Like I said,long week! |
Last night at camp |
No beer,drink shine. |
Unless your this guy! |
Everyone shut down early,I went and did burn outs... |
What a crazy fuckin week! |
Thanks to everyone who helped,talked to us,made us a drink,got us some food or just plain ended up being good people!
You know who you are!
Thank you...
More to come...